About Butterfly…

‘Butterfly’ is a collection of nine uplifting and  introspective songs about coming of age, moving beyond trauma, and finding others on our path who light the way. 

“In my early twenties, I suffered a traumatic event that shook me out of my cocoon. 

I searched outside of myself for love, acceptance and forgiveness and blamed another person for my pain.  All the while, my inability to come to terms with what had happened started to eat me up inside; causing problems with my studies, my relationships and my mental and physical health. 

I searched for answers, looked for reasons, asked for forgiveness, and realised… 

I didn’t just want to heal…

I wanted to grow.”

This collection of songs span my journey of self discovery in the wake of those experiences.

My hope for ‘Butterfly’ is that these songs can serve for others as they served for me: As a reminder that we are loved, we have greatness within us, and we are not alone. 

You are loved. You have greatness within you. You are not alone.

Sample Tracks

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Music & live video


Press / Reviews

Some of the best storytelling we’ve seen in a long time. HANA draws you into her stories and transports you to a place where listening and feeling become the same thing. ” - Audience member

— Butterfly Crowdfunding House Concert 2022

HANA’s music makes me feel so happy and helps when the days are a bit tricky. ” - A listener
